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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.J. (Maya) Schroevers


Cost-effectiveness of a mindful yoga intervention added to treatment as usual for young women with major depressive disorder versus treatment as usual only: Cost-effectiveness of yoga for young women with depression

Does a participatory live music practice support nurses to deliver compassionate care to hospitalised patients?: A qualitative study

Exploring public concerns about the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare

Exploring public concerns and acceptance about the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare

Long-term treatment outcomes of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for fatigue in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Results of a randomized controlled trial

Looking at individual symptoms: the dynamic network structure of depressive symptoms in cancer survivors and their preferences for psychological care

The effects of forest bathing on self-criticism, self-compassion, and self-protection: A systematic review

The substantial role of sleep, stress and physical activity in persistent high levels of fatigue in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: A longitudinal trajectory study

The Substantial Role of Sleep, Stress, and Physical Activity in Persistent High Levels of Fatigue in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Longitudinal Trajectory Study

Trajectories of post-traumatic stress in sepsis survivors two years after ICU discharge: a secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial

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Podcast students' well-being and mindfulness in education (December 2024)

UMCG leert kankerpatiënten met app 'om beetje lief te zijn voor zichzelf'

Vermoeidheid te lijf met mindfulness

Mindfulness – leven met aandacht als strategie tegen depressie

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