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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.J.J. (Miriam) Lommen


A Network Analysis Exploration of PTSD, Depression, Somatic Complaints, and Anxiety Disorders in a Colombian Sample of Victims of the Armed Conflict

Childhood Maltreatment and Revictimization: A Systematic Literature Review

Effectiveness of exposure-based treatment for childhood anxiety disorders: An open clinical trial to test its relation with indices of emotional processing and inhibitory learning

Fear generalization predicts post-traumatic stress symptoms: A two-year follow-up study in Dutch fire fighters

(Fire)fighting the pandemic: PTSD and depression symptom profiles and longitudinal correlates

Psychological predictors of posttraumatic stress and depression in firefighters: A 2-year longitudinal study

Self-regulatory Sex Motives Scale in Online Dating: Exploratory Factor Analysis and Internal Consistency

The effectiveness of Problem Management Plus at 1-year follow-up for Syrian refugees in a high-income setting

Transdiagnostic factors in depression and post-traumatic stress in a Mexican and Dutch sample

Transdiagnostic factors in symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress: a systematic review


Kun je een trauma oplopen door een horrorfilm?

Waarom we het woord trauma te veel gebruiken

Publieksacademie over Trauma

Zembla: Nazorg aan brandweermensen met PTSS schiet tekort

Deepfaketherapie: kan praten met dader of overleden partner helpen iets te verwerken?

Nominatie Klokhuis Wetenschapsprijs