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M.J. (Maarten) Gijsenberg, Prof

Professor of Marketing Dynamics
Profile picture of M.J. (Maarten) Gijsenberg, Prof

My teaching is mainly focusing on two specific areas:  the basics of Marketing, and the methodological aspects of Marketing and Marketing Decisions.

On the basics of Marketing side, I am - as teacher - involved in the following courses:

  • Marketing Bedrijfskunde in our Dutch language BSc Bedrijfskunde program. In this course, I introduce our first year students to the basic concepts of Marketing. Extra attention is given to the creation of value for all parties involved: consumers, companies, and society at large, as is to the increasing importance of digitalization, data, and artificial intelligence. We thereby take a close look at both positive and negative aspects of Marketing.
  • Marketing Theory at the Research Master level. In this course I provide students with an overview of a series of empirical generalizations in the field of marketing effectiveness, and share some of the latest insights on this matter.

On the methodology side, I am - as coordinator and teacher - involved in the following course:

  • Statistical Learning in Marketing in our Marketing Analytics and Data Science (MADS) program at the Master level. In this course, I not only provide students with a theory basis, I also teach them how to translate research results into insights that are useful for managers. This course consists of several unsupervised learning techniques (factor analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis) as well as some supervised learning techniques (general linear model, VAR/VEC) which we use for data complexity reduction, segmentation, marketing mix evaluation, and the analysis of marketing dynamics.

For all courses, I am convinced that it is of central importance that students are actively participate and interact during the courses. This approach is also appreciated by students, and has resulted in good student evaluations and a consistent position in the top-5 most valued teachers of the faculty.

Last but not least, I supervise several BSc and MSc thesis students in the Econometrics and Marketing programs. The focus of these theses is on a rigurous (quantitative) analysis of relevant marketing research issues with a clear academic contribution.

Last modified:12 July 2023 2.24 p.m.