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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.J.G. (Marieke) van Heuvelen


The acute effects of Whole-Body Vibration Exercise on Cortical Activation in young adults: An fNIRS study

Cognitive deficits in human ApoE4 knock-in mice: A systematic review and meta-analysis

The effects of whole-body vibration therapy on immune and brain functioning: current insights in the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms

Whole-body vibration affects hippocampal choline acetyltransferase and synaptophysin expression and improves spatial memory in young adult mice

Factors Affecting Physical Activity in People with Dementia: A Systematic Review and Narrative Synthesis

Short-term effects of side-alternating Whole-Body Vibration on cognitive function of young adults

Whole-body vibration ameliorates glial pathological changes in the hippocampus of hAPP transgenic mice, but does not affect plaque load

Beneficial effects of whole-body vibration exercise for brain disorders in experimental studies with animal models: A systematic review

Potential of Whole-Body Vibration in Parkinson's disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis of human and animal studies

Self-assessed tactical skills in tennis players: Psychometric evaluation of the Tactical Skills Questionnaire in Tennis


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In de benen tijdens corona

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