prof. dr. M.J.E.C. (Marc) van der Maarel

Full name: Marc Jos Elise Cornelis van der Maarel
Date and place of birth: 02-06-1968, Geleen, The Netherlands
Education and training
* Radboud University, Nijmegen, The Netherlands from 1986 to 1991: M.Sc. in Applied Biology (microbiology and biochemistry).
* University of Groningen, Microbial Physiology, from 1991 to 1995. PhD in Microbiology in 1996.
Title of PhD thesis: “Anaerobic microbial degradation of methylated sulphur compounds”
* Summer School Microbial Diversity of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA in 1994
* University lecturer Microbial Ecology at the University of Groningen (1995 to 1999).
* Senior scientist and project manager at TNO Quality of Life (1999-2008).
* Co-director of the Centre for Carbohydrate Bioprocessing, a collaboration between University of Groningen and TNO (1999-2008).
* Member of the management team of the Carbohydrate Competence Centre, a collaboration of different institutes, academia and applied universities with industry (2006-2008).
* Manager Product and Application Development and team leader at the AVEBE Food Innovation Center (2009-2011).
* Bijzonder hoogleraar in Carbohydrate Bioprocessing at the University of Groningen (2006-2011).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 00:26 |