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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. M. (Mike) Huiskes


Het doorbreken van stilte: een conversatie-analytisch perspectief op het therapeutisch duet

‘My recovery is in English’: Clients' language choices in multilingual psychotherapy

Perceptions and Guiding Strategies to Regulate Entrusted Autonomy of Residents in the Operating Room: A Systematic Literature Review

The Many Faces of Good Operating Room Supervision: Supervisors' and Residents' Perspectives After Operating Together

Expression and interpretation of emotions in multilingual psychotherapy: A literature review

Hoe werkt dagelijkse communicatie?: Gesprekken onder de microscoop

Technieken van de therapeut: een conversatieanalytisch perspectief op taal in therapie

‘Doing being an expert’: A conversation analysis of expertise enactments in experience discussions in medical education

Explicit teaching in the operating room: Adding the why to the what

The Supervisor's Toolkit: Strategies of Supervisors to Entrust and Regulate Autonomy of Residents in the Operating Room

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Leren communiceren in de operatiekamer