dr. M. (Margriet) Hoogvliet

Awards, grants and prizes
1992 Funding for PhD project awarded by the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO; Dutch Research Council).
1999 Cum laude awarded to doctoral thesis (the highest honour in the Netherlands and only awarded to the best 10%).
1999 Personal postdoctoral project, awarded after open international competition by the Bonus Incentive Scheme “Cultural Change”, University of Groningen (4 years 0.5fte, comparable to NWO Veni).
2000 Grant from the Netherlands Research School in Medieval Studies for a three months research visit to the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany.
2001 NWO-CNRS Grant for a three months research visit to the Centre d'Études Supérieures de la Renaissance, Tours, France.
2004 NWO International Grant for a two months research visit to the Medieval Studies Program, Princeton University, USA.
2007 Invited Lecturer, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section Histoire, Paris-Sorbonne, ‘Cartographie et culture princière en France au XVIe siècle’, one month.
2008 Project proposal “Eloquent Pictures” for VIDI scheme (800 k€) was judged fundable, but did not receive funding only due to lack of sufficient funds.
2013 COST-Action “New Communities of Interpretation: Contexts, Strategies of Religious Transformation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe” (2013-2017), 400 k€ funded by the European Science Foundation (co-applicant).
2014 NWO Free Competition grant (750 k€) for the project “Cities of Readers: Religious literacies in the Long Fifteenth Century” (co-applicant with Professors Sabrina Corbellini and Bart Ramakers).
2016 COST Travel fellowship (STSM) for visit to Lyon, Orange, Montpellier and Aix/Marseille, COST Action IS1301 “New Communities of Interpretation” (1 week).
2017 Funding for the Lorentz @Snellius Workshop “Space and Place”, 30 January-2 February 2017, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Studies, NWO, University of Leiden, University of Groningen.
2018 Invited Guest Researcher at the Warburg Institute, School of Advanced Studies, University of London (2 weeks).
Smart Loire Valley Fellowship (Marie Curie), Le Studium, Institute for Advanced Studies Orléans and the Centre d’Études Superieures de la Renaissance in Tours (1 year).
2021 [with the team of the chair “History of Reading”], “Broeders 3D”, an interactive 3D reconstruction of the (now demolished) house of the Brothers of the Common Life in Deventer, funding awarded by the University of Groningen, Research and Innovation Support, Virtual Reality en 3D-technologie voor onderzoek en onderwijs (7.5k)
2021 [with the team of the chair “History of Reading”], prize of € 10.000 for public outreach activities, Dutch Academy of Sciences, Ministry of Education, Pilotfonds Wetenschapscommunicatie door Wetenschappers: Gewaardeerd!
Professional experience
1 July 2020-30 May 2022
Project manager, HERA project “Public Renaissance: Urban Cultures of Public Space between Early Modern Europe and the Present (PURE)”, University of Groningen (0.8fte fixed term)
Activities: Production of the “Hidden Deventer” app; maintenance of Deventer on the “Hidden Cities” website; production of “Broeders 3D” (interactive VR website); production of the “Hidden Tours” app; production of a second “Hidden Deventer” walk.
1 October 2020-31 August 2022
Teaching Fellow in Medieval History, University of Groningen (0.2fte fixed term)
17 June 2019-16 June 2020
Smart Loire Valley Fellowship (Marie Curie), Le Studium, Institute for Advanced Studies Orléans and the Centre d’Études Superieures de la Renaissance in Tours.
Research project: “Religious lieux de savoir in premodern Tours and Orléans: A Social and Spatial Approach to Religious Reading in French (c. 1450-c. 1550)”
1 September 2015-31 May 2019
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, “Cities of Readers: Religious Literacies in the Long Fifteenth Century” (0.75fte fixed-term)
Personal research project: “Between Paris and Antwerp: Multilingual Communities of Interpretation”.
Including co-organisation and co-curatorship of the exhibition: “De stad als klooster (The town as convent)”, Museum voor Religieuze Kunst, Uden (NL), November 2018 - February 2019.
1 September 2015-31 August 2016
Teaching Fellow in French, Utrecht University (0.1fte fixed-term)
1 September 2014-30 June 2015
Teaching Fellow in French, University of Leeds, UK, School of Languages, Cultures and Societies (1.0fte fixed-term)
(Replacement of Professor Rosalind Brown-Grant, including duties for the Department of Medieval Studies)
Evaluation by external examiner: “the fascinating palaeographical / codicological project prepared for a medieval module, reflecting both the initiative of the student who formulated it and the expertise of the colleague who assessed it.”
1 March 2014-31 August 2014
Coordinator COST Action IS1301 “New Communities of Interpretation” (0.3fte fixed-term)
1 March 2014-31 August 2014
Teaching Fellow in French, University of Groningen (0.5fte fixed-term)
1 February 2013-1 August 2013
Teaching Fellow in Medieval History, Teaching Fellow in French, University of Groningen (1.0fte fixed-term)
1 April 2009-31 March 2013
Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Groningen, the Netherlands.
Research project: ‘Holy Writ and Lay Readers: A Social History of Vernacular Bible Translations in the Late Middle Ages - France’ (0.8 fte, fixed-term).
Including Chair of the Advisory Board of the Groningen Institute for Cultural Studies (ICOG).
1 September 2006-31 August 2009
Teaching Fellow in French, Language, Literature and Culture, University of Amsterdam (0.2-0.6 fte). Including replacement of Dr Jelle Koopmans.
19 May 2008-1 April 2009
Research Policy Advisor, Faculty of Humanities, Utrecht University (0.7 fte).
1 September 2007-15 June 2008
International Policy Advisor, University Board, Utrecht University (0.3 fte).
15 March 2007-15 April 2007
Invited Lecturer, École Pratique des Hautes Études, Section Histoire, Paris-Sorbonne: ‘Cartographie et culture princière en France au XVIe siècle’.
1 September 2006-1 July 2007
Teaching Fellow in French, Literature and Culture, University of Utrecht (0.3 fte). Replacement of Professor Maarten van Buuren.
1 February 1998-28 February 2004
Postdoctoral Researcher and Teaching Fellow in French, University of Groningen
“Multi-Media Art as Royal Legitimization and Propaganda (France, 1450-1650)” (24 months; including 9 months maternity and sickness leave).
Personal postdoctoral project, awarded after international competition by the RUG Bonus Incentive Scheme. Comparable to NWO Veni.
Teaching Fellow in French, (Romance) Literature and Culture, University of Groningen (several contracts, 0.2-0.5 fte). Replacement of Prof. Martin Gosman.
1 July 1992-27 June 1997
PhD Project, ‘Text and Image in Medieval and Early Modern Cartography’, awarded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) (1.0 fte)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 07 oktober 2022 07:35 |