M.H.F. (Michael (he/him)) Wilkinson, Dr
Senior Lecturer/Associate professor

m.h.f.wilkinson rug.nl
TRIMBOT 2020: Cutting Hedge Research (2016-)
TrimBot2020 is an EU funded project that will research the underlying robotics and vision technologies and prototype the first outdoor garden trimming robot. The robot will navigate over varying terrain, approach rose bushes, hedges and boxwood topiary, to trim them to an ideal shape.
HyperGAMMA: Hyper-connected GAlaxy Merger Multiscale Analysis (2012-2016)
This research project is a collaborative effort of the research group Intelligent Systems of the JBI and the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute. The research is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO).
GC-MORSE: Generalized Connected Morphological Operators for Robust Shape Extraction (2002-2008)The aim of this project is to explore multi-scale and shape-based morphological connected operators, in terms of theory, algorithm development and robustness in a real application, with the main emphasis on the latter two. Connected filters allow image filtering without distorting edges, a feature which is highly desirable in many applications. For this reason they have received much attention in the literature in recent years.
An EU-funded project on diatom classification by means of image-analysed microscopy.
The MIMICS project aimed is to provide new insight into the workings of the intestinal microflora by combining data from in vitro measurements of the metabolic properties of bacteria into a large scale computer simulation. The chief research aim is to study which parameters have the most profound effect on the colonization resistance, i.e. the difficulty with which newcomers colonize the intestine.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 1.14 p.m. |