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A Place to Feel at Home? An Exploratory Study of the Perceived Living Environment in Home-Like Groups, Family-Style Group Homes, and Traditional Residential Youth Care

Static and dynamic factors underlying placement instability in residential youth care: A scoping review

The Best Interests of The Child Self-Report (BIC-S): Psychometric Properties of the Adapted Version of the BIC-S used as a Monitoring Instrument to Measure the Quality of The Children’s Rearing Environment From a Children’s Rights Perspective

Forced Return of Embedded Asylum-Seeking Families with Children to Armenia from a Children’s Rights Perspective: A Qualitative Study of Their Developmental Needs and Best Interests

Kabinet, maak je belofte over asielkinderen waar

Foster care for unaccompanied refugee children in the Netherlands; what about the placement success?

Perspectives of unaccompanied refugee children, their foster carers and guardians on placement success: Which factors predict multi-informant discrepancies?

Proximité culturelle entre enfants réfugiés non accompagnés et leurs parents d’accueil aux Pays-Bas: Points de vue sur la réussite du placement

The stability of foster family placements of unaccompanied refugee children: A one-year prospective study

Cultural matching factors, child factors, and fostering factors associated with successful foster placement: An explorative study into the perspectives of unaccompanied refugee children, their foster carers and guardians


Tien Groningse vrouwen genomineerd voor Vrouw in de Media Award 2022

Deze 21 vrouwen uit Drenthe en Groningen zijn genomineerd voor de Vrouw in de Media Award 2022

Juridische transfers: de Hoge Raad, Kifid en de Kinderombudsman

Nederland moet afdelingen kinderhartchirurgie sluiten

Lintjesregen 2021: dit zijn de Groningse gedecoreerden

Margrite Kalverboer benoemd tot Officier in de Orde van Oranje Nassau