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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Merita) Dreshaj, Dr


High-resolution radiocarbon chronology for early animal husbandry in the Netherlands using Bayesian statistical modelling

Sea turtle shells in the Netherlands: Zooarchaeology by mass spectrometry and stable isotope analysis identify species and provenance

Chronological Modeling on A Calibration Plateau: Implications for the Emergence of Agriculture in the Dutch Wetlands

Going against the grain?: The transition to farming in the Dutch wetlands re-examined (5000–4000 BCE)

High-resolution Bayesian chronology of the earliest evidence of domesticated animals in the Dutch wetlands (Hardinxveld-Giessendam archaeological sites)

Blind dates: Exploring uncertainty in the radiocarbon evidence on the emergence of animal husbandry in the Dutch wetlands

Hunting before herding: A zooarchaeological and stable isotopic study of suids (Sus sp.) at Hardinxveld-Giessendam, the Netherlands (5450–4250 cal BC)

No compelling evidence for early small-scale animal husbandry in Atlantic NW Europe

Multi-analytical investigation of red pigments recovered from human burials of Vale de Barrancas 1 hypogea