M. (Mònica) Colominas Aparicio, Prof
VENI Researcher, Rosalind Franklin Fellow

m.colominas.aparicio rug.nl
CHRISTIANITY FROM CONSTANTINE TO THE REFORMATION (THB2-CCR), Bachelor Theology in all its variants/Open lectures Theology and Religious Studies, semester 1a. Together with dr. M. van Dijk (coord.), and dr. A. J. M. Irving
TEXTS OF TERROR (THMTTE5), Master Theology and Religious Studies, semester 1a. Together with Dr. habil. S. Luther (coord.), and dr. A. Versluis
CONVIVENCIA AND RELIGIOUS DISPUTES (THMCRD5), Master Theology and Religious Studies, semester 1b
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 15:58 |