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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. (Manoela) Carpenedo Rodrigues, PhD


Cultivating a desire of One’s Own: Religious Change and Sexuality among “Judaizing Evangelical” Women in Brazil

Editorial: Latin America and World Christianity

Au-delà du paradigme ethno-génétique: les évangéliques judaïsant brésiliens et leur projet ethnique

Cynthia Holder Rich, Ed. Christian Zionism in Africa

Mulheres Evangélicas Judaizantes em diálogo

Religion in Latin America, Past, Present and Possible Futures

Becoming Jewish, Believing in Jesus: Judaizing Evangelicals in Brazil

Christian Zionist religiouscapes in Brazil: Understanding Judaizing practices and Zionist inclinations in Brazilian Charismatic Evangelicalism


The inescapable advance of the gospel in Brazil

Interview given to New Books Network on the book 'Becoming Jewish, Believing in Jesus'

Religion in Latin America and the Caribbean: Past, Present and Possible Futures. The Latin American Diaries.