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M. (Ming) Cao, Prof

Full Professor, Networks and Robotics / Chair, Discrete Technology & Production Automation / Director, Jantina Tammes School of Digital Society, Technology and AI

At the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Groningen

  1. (2008 - Now) Robotics TBROB-12 (Ocasys link, rooster link): compulsory for the master students in the PTL track (Production Technology and Logistics) in the education program of Industrial Engineering and Management; optional for master students in Applied Mathematics, Applied Physics, Artificial Intelligence, Astronomy, Biomedical Engineering, Computer Science and Human Movement Sciences. The aim of this course is to introduce students to the principles of robotics. The main topics include: transformations in 3D, kinematics, inverse kinematics, dynamics and control.

  2. (2011 - Now) Modeling and Analysis of Complex Networks TBMACN-11  (Ocasys link, rooster link): compulsory for the bachelor students in the PTL track (Production Technology and Logistics) in the education program of Industrial Engineering and Management; optional for bachelor students in Applied Physics, Applied Mathematics and Chemical Engineering. The aim of this course is to discuss models and analysis tools to understand how the social, economic and technological worlds are connected. An interdisciplinary approach of computing and information science, applied mathematics, economics and sociology will be taken to examine complex networks.  

  3. (2016 - Now) Complexity and Networks WMMA16000  (Ocasys link): compulsory for the master students in the following tracks in the applied mathematics program: "systems and control", "computational mathematics", "statistics and big data", "science, business and policy", and "mathematics and complex dynamical systems". The aim of this course is to use graph theory, dynamical systems theory and their related computational tools to study complexity issues in the context of network systems.  

At the Dutch National Graduate School of Systems and Control (DISC)

  1. (2010 - Now) Distributed Control and Optimization in Multi-Agent Systems (with T. Keviczky from the Delft University of Technology in 2011 and with W. Ren from the Utah State Univeristy, USA, in 2010): For PhD students in Systems and Control from Dutch Universities. The course discusses distributed control and optimization methods for autonomous agents in networked systems.
  2. (2015 - Now) Network Dynamics (with P. Frasca from University of Twente): For PhD students in Systems and Control from Dutch Universities. The course discusses mathematical models for dynamical processes evolving in large-scale networks. 
  3. (Summer 2016) Summer School on "A Systems and Control Perspective in Human-Robot-Environment Interaction"  (one of the national lectures): For PhD students in Systems and Control from the Netherlands and abroad.
  4. (Summer 2015) Summer School on "Control for Cyber-Physical Systems" (one of the national lectures): For PhD students in Systems and Control from the Netherlands and abroad.
  5. (Summer 2009) Summer School on "Distributed Control and Estimation" (one of the national lecturers): For PhD students in Systems and Control from the Netherlands and abroad.  
Last modified:10 May 2023 4.14 p.m.