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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.C.M. (Matteo) Casiraghi, PhD


The party politics of diplomatic engagements: Evidence from Italy

European integration and political party logos: A ‘visual Europeanization’?

“I trust you, but I'm scared!” Attitudinal and emotional drivers of support for restrictive interventions during crises

Lethal brands: Terrorist groups’ logos and violence

Populism in the eye of the beholder? A conjoint experiment on citizens’ identification of populists

Who looks up to the Leviathan? Ideology, political trust, and support for restrictive state interventions in times of crisis

Is someone’s mercenary another’s contractor? American, British, and Russian private security companies in US and UK parliamentary debates

The colors of ideology: Chromatic isomorphism and political party logos

The International Politics of Logos: Colours, Symbols, Cues, and Identities

The rhetorical contestation of populism in four European parliaments (2010–2020)