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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. C. J. L (Marie-Christine) Opdenakker, Dr


Students’ academic engagement during COVID-19 times: a mixed-methods study into relatedness and loneliness during the pandemic

Teacher behaviour and student motivational outcomes: Critical reflections on the knowledge base and on future research

Developments in early adolescents' self-regulation: The importance of teachers' supportive versus undermining behavior

Relationships between adolescent students’ reading skills, historical content knowledge and historical reasoning ability

Need-supportive and need-thwarting teacher behavior: Their importance to boys' and girls' academic engagement and procrastination behavior

Three decades of educational effectiveness research in Belgium and the Netherlands: Key studies, main research topics and findings

Begrijpend lezen is je vak

Scaffolding expository history text reading: Effects on adolescents' comprehension, self-regulation, and motivation

Teaching reading strategies in history lessons: A micro-level analysis of professional development training and its practical challenges

Weten wat er staat: Onderzoek: digitaal oefenen kan begrijpend lezen verbeteren


Overgang van basisschool naar voortgezet onderwijs: 30% mismatch

Brede brugklas biedt meer kansen voor leerlingen

Kind beter af op brede school.

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