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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M. (Mayra) Bittencourt


Lower cognitive reserve is related to worse working memory performance in older adults after mTBI. An ERP study

Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Older Adults: Recovery Course and Insights on Early Predictors of Outcome

The cognitive profile of elderly patients with mild traumatic brain injury: a role for cognitive reserve?

Predictors of Recovery Three and Six Months after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury at Older Age

Effects of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury on Resting State Brain Network Connectivity in Older Adults

Mild traumatic brain injury at older age: Patterns in clinical and neuroimaging data

Disentangling the effects of age and mild traumatic brain injury on brain network connectivity: A resting state fMRI study

Electroencephalography, Magnetoencephalography, and Cognitive Reserve: A Systematic Review

Self-Reported Complaints as Prognostic Markers for Outcome After Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Elderly: A Machine Learning Approach

BCIAUT-P300: A Multi-Session and Multi-Subject Benchmark Dataset on Autism for P300-Based Brain-Computer-Interfaces

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