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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.A. (Maaike) Versteegh


Ik ben een onderzoeksassistent in de onderzoeksgroepem van Irene Tieleman, Jan Komdeur en Hannah Dugdale.

In 2012 ben ik gepromoveerd op het onderwerp “Physiology in a life history perspective: stonechats’ adaptations to different environments” aan de RUG.

Mijn werk bestaat uit het coordineren en assisteren van veldwerk, eco-immunologisch labwerk en statistische assistentie geven aan Masterstudenten en PhD studenten. Daarnaast geef ik les in de BSc cursus (Systems ecology and) Ecological Interactions, en de MSc cursus Molecular Methods in Ecology and Evolution.


Adult sex ratio influences courtship behaviour, contest behaviour and breeding success in Onthophagus taurus

May brood desertion be ruled by partner parenting capability in a polygamous songbird? An experimental study

Individual responses to capture are not predicted by among-individual risk-taking in response to predation threat

The delayed effect of climatic conditions on pre-fledging nestling haematocrit in a suboscine species in Patagonia

Effects of manipulated food availability and seasonality on innate immune function in a passerine

Gut microbiota of homing pigeons shows summer-winter variation under constant diet indicating a substantial effect of temperature

Gut microbiota of homing pigeons shows summer–winter variation under constant diet indicating a substantial effect of temperature

Intruder sex and breeding stage influence territorial aggressiveness: But only in male not female blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus)

Is risk-taking behaviour consistent throughout different threats?: Measuring among-individual variation in a population of blue tits


Roodkapleeuweriken in Kenia - Vogelstudie met een sociaal randje