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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M. Verhoeven


Cross-continental differences in Black-tailed Godwit breeding densities are best explained by arthropod abundance in the chick-hatching period

Predicting the non-breeding distributions of the two Asian subspecies of Black-tailed Godwit using morphological information

Translocation of shorebird siblings shows intraspecific variation in migration routines to arise after fledging

Age-dependent timing and routes demonstrate developmental plasticity in a long-distance migratory bird

Current breeding distributions and predicted range shifts under climate change in two subspecies of Black-tailed Godwits in Asia

Do ditch-side electric fences improve the breeding productivity of ground-nesting waders?

Earthworm abundance and availability does not influence the reproductive decisions of black-tailed godwits in an agricultural grassland

Invertebrate abundance increases with vegetation productivity across natural and agricultural wader breeding habitats in Europe

Misidentification errors in reencounters result in biased estimates of survival probability from CJS models: Evidence and a solution using the robust design

Identification of breeding grounds and annual routines of the newly discovered bohaii subspecies of Black-tailed Godwits


Ook in monotoon groen tapijt zitten veel insecten

Juveniles black-tailed godwit tracked

Fryslân DOK ‘Gruttoleven’

Grutto’s gaan ‘Naar school’ volgens onderzoek RUG

Black-tailed godwits’ different migration behaviours

Geolocators give new insights into nesting behavior of godwits

Zware tijden voor damesgrutto’s, toekomst weidevogel somber als er niets verandert

Grutto: Koning zonder land

Publicity about Black-tailed Godwit research and management