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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons M.A. (Meike) Stöhr, Prof


Pyridyl-functionalized tripod molecules on Au(111): Interplay between H-bonding and metal coordination

Comparing Adsorption of an Electron-Rich Triphenylene Derivative: Metallic vs Graphitic Surfaces

Kinetic control over the chiral-selectivity in the formation of organometallic polymers on a Ag(110) surface

On-Surface Ullmann-Type Coupling: Reaction Intermediates and Organometallic Polymer Growth

Molecular Networks and Surface Engineering for Single Molecule Studies: From Spatial Separation to Emergent Properties

Induced Fit and Mobility of Cycloalkanes within Nanometer-Sized Confinements at 5 K

Length-dependent symmetry in narrow chevronlike graphene nanoribbons

Self-Assembly of a Triphenylene-Based Electron Donor Molecule on Graphene: Structural and Electronic Properties

Atomically precise graphene nanoribbons: interplay of structural and electronic properties

Casimir and electrostatic forces from Bi2Se3 thin films of varying thickness