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M.A. (Meike) Stöhr, Prof


Horizon Europe Pathfinder Open

"Energy storage in molecules (ESiM)"

(2022 - 2026)

Dieptestrategie funding from the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Uni Groningen

"Emergent functionalities in atomically controlled 2D heterostructures"

(2019 - 2023)

NWO Vici Grant

"Tuning graphene´s electronic and magnetic properties by molecular patterning"

(2018 - 2023)

Aspasia Grant from NWO (2018)

Dieptestrategie funding from the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Uni Groningen

"Towards new 2D and 1D graphene inspired materials and devices"

(2014 - 2018)

ERC Starting Grant

"Tuning electronic surface properties by molecular patterning"

(2013 - 2017)

FOM (Fundamental Research on Matter) Projectruimte Grant
"Modification of the electronic properties of graphene by molecular self-assembly"

(2011 - 2015)

NWO (Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research) Vidi Grant
"From surface-supported supramolecular assemblies to covalently coupled nanostructures"

(2011 - 2016)

Last modified:12 July 2022 1.54 p.m.