M.A. (Marco) de Carvalho Filho

After working as an internal medicine specialist, basic scientist, and clinical teacher for 20 years in a public university/hospital in Brazil, my career transitioned to researching, developing, and implementing evidence-informed educational practices. Among others, these practices involved the creation of the "Co-constructive patient simulation" model, a gamified online platform to teach clinical reasoning, active methodologies based on music to develop emotional competence/intelligence, and the new approach to participatory theater in medical education called MEET (Medical Education Empowered by Theater). These initiatives are deeply rooted in the theoretical frameworks of (a) Critical Pedagogy as devised by Paulo Freire, (B) Communities of Practice as conceptualized by Etienne Wenger, and (C) the concept of "Reflective Practitioner" as suggested by Donald Schön. I believe that learning theories, empirical evidence, practical experience, and creativity should come together to transform educational and clinical practices, aligning values, behaviors, and attitudes aiming for a more socially just educational and healthcare systems.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 09 november 2022 17:42 |