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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. M.A. (Manna) Alma


Children's and Their Parents' Experiences With Home-Based Guided Hypnotherapy: Qualitative Study

Experiences of workers with long-term disabilities on employer support throughout the RTW process in The Netherlands: a qualitative study

Inpatient dialectical behavior therapy combined with trauma-focused therapy for PTSD and borderline personality disorder symptoms: study design of the naturalistic trauma therapy study

Lifestyle interventions for depression in primary care: a qualitative study

A blended module (STAIRS) to promote functional and personal recovery in patients with a major depressive disorder in remission: study protocol of a concurrent mixed methods randomized controlled trial

Clinical stance on response initiation in autistic adults: co-creating an integrative approach based on theory and lived experiences to act from language, via motor movement to wellbeing

Doing isolation – Caring Citizens. A cross-country comparative analysis of patient experiences with isolation practices during the early phase of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Evaluatieonderzoek Papageno aanpak

Exploring experiences of vaccine-related and alternative treatments for individuals with autism: A qualitative study

How the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) Prepares One for Working in a Residential Youth Care Setting: A Thematic Analysis of Youth workers’ Experiences in the Netherlands


Unsettled and insecure: Dutch study reveals post-COVID consequences

1 op de 6 werknemers is langer dan een jaar ziek na corona

UMCG-onderzoek geeft inzicht in gevolgen post-COVID: 1 op 6 werknemers verzuimt langer dan een jaar

Ontregeld en onzeker: UMCG-onderzoek geeft inzicht in gevolgen post-COVID

Onderzoek UMCG: gevolgen post-COVID zijn groot

Veel mensen die ziek zijn door post-covid gaan gewoon naar hun werk. Vooral vrouwen en hoogopgeleiden. Zo zit dat

Vooral vrouwen en hoogopgeleiden werken door terwijl ze ziek zijn door post-covid, blijkt uit Gronings onderzoek. Hoe kan dat?