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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L. (Lisette) de Jonge-Hoekstra


Children's multimodal coordination during collaborative problem solving

Not stages, but variability ranges?: Cognitive variability bridging complexity science and 'Piaget’s new theory'

Not stages, but variability ranges?: Cognitive variability bridging complexity science and 'Piaget's new theory'

Not stages, but variability ranges: Cognitive variability bridging complexity science and 'Piaget's new theory'

Not stages, but variability ranges: Cognitive variability bridging complexity science and 'Piaget's new theory'

Easier Said Than Done? Task Difficulty's Influence on Temporal Alignment, Semantic Similarity, and Complexity Matching Between Gestures and Speech

Gesture-speech physics in fluent speech and rhythmic upper limb movements

How hand movements and speech tip the balance in cognitive development: A story about children, complexity, coordination, and affordances

Can you feel my rhythm? Interpersonal coordination between a child with deafblindness and their mentor

I like to move it, move it: Package for social scientists who want to use OpenPose


'Handen en gebaren zijn belangrijk bij ontwikkeling kinderen’

Sterke koppeling tussen handbewegingen en spraakontwikkeling

Complexity Matching and Synchronization between Gestures and Speech

Doing science at the Weekend of Science

RUG heeft enige alfa-faculteit tijdens Weekend van de Wetenschap

Coordination in development: Caregiver-child synchrony

Hoe kunnen kinderen goed samenwerken?

How do you like your noise?

Gestures and speech - a balanced couple?