L. Willmann, Dr

Research interests
The focus of the research is on testing predictions of the Standard Model of Particle Physics, which is our currently best model of the physicsal world. Such test require a well chosen quantum mechanical system, which can be experimentally studied at a suffcient precission. My interest is on the design of suitable experimental strategies and the execution of these. The experimental methods are selected from fields like particle physics, atomic and molecular physics, laser physics and quantum mechanics. Examples from my work are setting limits on lepton number violations from searches for muonium-antimuonium conversion, Bose-Einstein condensation, in particular of atomic hydrogen, the weak interaction in atomic systems (Atomic Partity Violation, APV) such as single trapped radium or barium ions, and searches for permanent electric dipole moments on fundamental particles (EDMs) in e.g. radium, xenon or molecules like BaF.
Within the NL-eEDM collaboration we have designed and build a sensitive new setup, which is starting to produce the first results on an electron EDM. Further research interest is in new strategies towards precission measurement of the magnetic anomaly (g-2) of the muon.