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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. L.R.B. (Lambert) Schomaker


Separability versus prototypicality in handwritten word-image retrieval

Handwritten-word spotting using biologically inspired features

Text-independent writer identification and verification using textural and allographic features

Automatic writer identification using connected-component contours and edge-based features of uppercase western script

The Neural Support Vector Machine

Boosting Reinforcement Learning Algorithms in Continuous Robotic Reaching Tasks using Adaptive Potential Functions

Conduction mechanisms in a planar nanocomposite resistive switching device based on cluster-assembled Au/ZrOx films

Learning to Walk With Deep Reinforcement Learning: Forward Dynamic Simulation of a Physics-Based Musculoskeletal Model of an Osseointegrated Transfemoral Amputee: Forward Dynamic Simulation of a Physics-Based Musculoskeletal Model of an Osseointegrated Transfemoral Amputee

Modeling a domain wall network in BiFeO3 with stochastic geometry and entropy-based similarity measure

Optimizing and interpreting the latent space of the conditional text-to-image GANs

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Regional radio interview: Eemsdelta on robots and the labour market

Regional newspaper interview: DvhN - robotics and the labour market

Discerning the scribes of the Dead Sea Scrolls

Computer herkent verschillende handschriften in document uit Oudheid

La inteligencia artificial revela quién escribió el rollo bíblico más antiguo

Manuscritos del Mar Muerto fueron hechos por varios escribas

Determinan que manuscritos del Mar Muerto fueron hechos por varios escribas

Rollos del Mar Muerto fueron escritas por varios escribas

La Inteligencia Artificial da luz a un milenario misterio religioso

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