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Research interests

I work as an clinical epidemiologist/assistant professor at the following institutions:

  1. University Medical Center Groningen, Primary and Long-term Care, section Midwifery Science
  2. Western Sydney University, School of Nursing and Midwifery (Australia)

My research is in the area of Women’s Health Epidemiology. My main focus is to examine the impact of (lifestyle) behavior, events during pregnancy and birth on maternal and children’s health: using data driven innovations. Within different research teams,  healthcare professionals (midwives, general practitioners, microbiologists), data experts (stewards, managers, and scientists), scientific communication advisors collaborate intensively, resulting in cutting-edge research projects. They conduct basic and advanced statistics (AI) by analyzing structured data (diagnosis codes such as ICPC) and unstructured data (doctors' notes) from linked electronic health registry data from the Netherlands and Australia. This intensive collaboration has resulted in optimizing care in midwifery (e.g.  reducing unnecessary medical interventions in women during childbirth) and general practitioner care (COVID-19 trajectories).

Since my PhD-project, I develop and psychometrically evalaute Patient Reported Experiens Measures (PREMs). Several valid measures for frailty, case complexity, autonomy, respect and overall childbirth experiences are frequently used to optimize care in primary and secondary care. 

Finally, together with my colleague Dr. Esther Feijen de Jong, we coordinate the research group Midwifery Science (UMCG)

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Data Resource Profile: Registry of electronic health records of general practices in the north of The Netherlands (AHON)

Decline in home births associated with faster increase in trend of postpartum haemorrhage and manual removal of the placenta

De versterking van de kennisinfrastructuur rondom preventie: handreiking analyse en aanbevelingen (NFU paper)

Differences in rates of severe perineal trauma between midwife-led and obstetrician-led care in the Netherlands: A nationwide cohort study

Does social need fulfillment moderate the association between socioeconomic status and health risk behaviours during pregnancy?

Effect of COVID-19 lockdown on maternity care and maternal outcome in the Netherlands: a national quasi-experimental study

Elements of organisation of integrated maternity care and their associations with outcomes: a scoping review protocol

Impact of COVID-19 mitigation measures on perinatal outcomes in the Netherlands

Impact of COVID-19 on Dutch general practitioner prenatal healthcare: an interrupted time-series approach

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1 op de 12 zwangere vrouwen rookt

Acht procent van de zwangere vrouwen rookt. 'Ze voelen zich gepusht om te stoppen en haken af'

Nieuwe AI-methode toont aan: corona-uitbraak was al vroeg zichtbaar in huisartsbezoeken

Nieuwe AI-methode toont aan: corona-uitbraak was al vroeg zichtbaar in huisartsbezoeken

Birth with a vacuum pump: what are the consequences for mother and baby? | Child & Family

Geboorte met vauumpomp: wat zijn de gevolgen voor moeder en baby?

Geboorte met vacuümpomp: wat zijn de gevolgen voor moeder en baby?

Divers beleid gevoerd op huisartsenposten tijdens de COVID-19-pandemie

Toegankelijkheid huisarts staat onder druk staat door COVID-19-maatregelen

Vaker zorg op afstand

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