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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L.L. (Lilian) Peters
University Medical Center Groningen

dr. L.L. (Lilian) Peters

Clinical epidemiologist/assistant professor
Profielfoto van dr. L.L. (Lilian) Peters

Research projects

  • Samen Stoppen, Samen Sterk! (ZonMW granted)
  • EUCAN-Connect (H2020 granted)
  • COVID-19 GP-cohort
  • Care consumption before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemy 
  • Lifelines ROAHD
  • Lifelines Next
  • Psychometric evalutions (e.g. GFI, IM-E-SA, MADM, MORi and CEQ)


  • Australian New South Wales population linked data
  • Dutch Perinatal Data Registry (Perined)
  • Verloskundig Casusregistratie Systeem (VECAS)
  • Academisch Huisarts Ontwikkel netwerk (AHON)
  • Insurance company data (VEKTIS)
Laatst gewijzigd:25 juni 2022 08:38