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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons L. Kortekaas, PhD


Mixed-Phase Enabled High-Rate Copper Niobate Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Multi-responsive Electropolymer Surface Coatings Based on Azo Molecular Switches and Carbazoles: Light, pH, and Electrochemical Control of Z→E Isomerization in Thin Films

Reversible, Red-Shifted Photoisomerization in Protonated Azobenzenes

Spiropyran-multifaceted chromic compounds

Electrochemical Ring-Opening and -Closing of a Spiropyran

The evolution of spiropyran: Fundamentals and progress of an extraordinarily versatile photochrome (vol 48, pg 3406, 2019)

Correction: The evolution of spiropyran: fundamentals and progress of an extraordinarily versatile photochrome

Noncommutative Switching of Double Spiropyrans

The evolution of spiropyran: fundamentals and progress of an extraordinarily versatile photochrome

Chromism of spiropyrans: from solutions to surfaces