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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons L. Kiltz, MSc


A Systemic Perspective on Organizations: International Experience with the Systemic Constellation Method

Conceptualisation of the systemic organisational constellation method and a procedure for its application in coaching

Promoting University Students’ Well-being and Resilience by Means of a Game-Approach Basic Psychological Need Intervention: a Case Study

Student well-being in times of COVID-19 in the Netherlands: basic psychological need satisfaction and frustration within the academic learning environment

Caught between relief and unease: How university students’ well-being relates to their learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands

How University Instructors’ Achievement Goals Are Related to Subjective Well-Being: A Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis

Investigating how students’ learning environment, social and physical well-being influence their resilience and feelings of depression and loneliness during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands

Wer fühlt sich gut und wer nicht?: Subjektives Wohlbefinden und Coping von Hochschuldozierenden

'When They Struggle, I Cannot Sleep Well Either': Perceptions and Interactions Surrounding University Student and Teacher Well-Being