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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L.I.M. (Lonneke) Lenferink


A Latent Class Analysis on Indicators of Early Prolonged Grief Disorder and Well-Being Among Dutch Adults Bereaved During the First Year of the COVID-19 Pandemic

A longitudinal study of risk and protective factors for symptoms of adjustment disorder during the COVID-19 pandemic

Associations of Dimensions of Anger With Distress Following Traumatic Bereavement

COVID-19 pandemic impact on funeral service workers’ work-related mental health

(Fire)fighting the pandemic: PTSD and depression symptom profiles and longitudinal correlates

Fluctuations of prolonged grief disorder reactions in the daily life of bereaved people: an experience sampling study

Grief and delivering a statement in court: a longitudinal mixed-method study among homicidally bereaved people

Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish Traumatic Grief Inventory Self-Report Plus (TGI-SR+) in bereaved parents

Psychometric Evaluation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus (TGI-SR+) in Chinese Bereaved People


Rouwmeter helpt nabestaanden in keuze voor wel of geen professionele hulp

Biddinghuizer Joop de Jager schrijft boek over vermissingen

Meld je aan voor online rouwverwerking bij overlijden in coronatijd

Regional magazine "Online grief treatment after death of loved one in pandemic"

Radio 1: Online rouwen tijdens pandemie [Grieving online during pandemic]