dr. L. (Liesbet) Heyse

RESEARCH PROJECTS (see also 'research' for publications)
1. Labor market integration of refugees in the Netherlands
Liesbet and colleague Nina Hansen work closely together to study the employment process of refugees with residence permits from both the side of migrant and of the employer are studied. This is done by means of combining social and cultural psychological and organization sociological approaches to labor market integration processes.
They are supervisor of related SCOOP PhD projects of Eline Heikamp and Anne Kuschel.
Together with Marloes Huis, they developed, piloted, and evaluated a training for employers/managers to reduce the cultural distance between organizations and refugees with a residence permit (vergunninghouders).
Recently, ZonMw has granted Liesbet and Nina funding for a co-creation project to promote the labor market integration of refugee in the North by means of a training and a toolbox.
2. Performance & professionalization of international (humanitarian) non governmental organizations
Heyse collaborated closely with MSF Operational Center Amsterdam to study the effects of human resource management on MSF's expatriate staff. Her research - together with Miranda Visser, Valeska Korff, Rafael Wittek and Melinda Mills - focused on topics such as turnover, work-life balance, commitment and job satisfaction. Amongst others, survey data, employee registration data, and job evaluation forms were used for these purposes. With Julian Rengers, a study was published on LGBTQ staff in MSF.
3. Public organizations & public sector reform
Heyse was co-applicant and member of the daily management team of the Academische Werkplaats Transitie Jeugd Friesland (funded by ZonMw), which is a knowledge platform and consortium of Dutch municipalities, care organizations, and educational & research institutes that monitor and study processes and effects of youthcare decentralization and reform in the province of Friesland. The consortium developed an audit method to evaluate the quality of care and identify lessons learned, together with parents, children and professionals. Based on this so-called 'dialogue table' approach Pawson & Tilley's realist evaluation method will be applied to identify what youth care interventions work for whom, why and in which circumstances. Implications for policy and management will be identified. See www.awtjf.nl and http://www.zonmw.nl/nl/projecten/project-detail/academische-werkplaats-transformatie-jeugd-friesland-awtjf-in-dialoog-naar-een-sterker-opvoedklim/samenvatting/
4. Humanitarian crises & aid provision
Heyse is co-founder of the Humanitarian Genome (www.humanitariangenome.com), a google style search engine for identifying lessons learned in humanitarian aid based on manually coded evaluation reports, funded by the Humanitarian Innovation Fund. Heyse has published an article with Fernando Nieto Morales and Rafael Wittek on the organizational determinants of performance in humanitarian aid projects on the basis of this database by means of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA).
Furthermore, Heyse is co-editor on a book on humanitarian crises and intervention design that introduces the H-AID framework (the Humanitarian Analysis and Intervention Design framework), which outlines guidelines for humanitarian aid practitioners for careful context and stakeholder analysis before proceeding to design humanitarian aid projects and interventions (Heyse, L., Zwitter, A., Wittek, R., & Herman. J. (2014). Humanitarian Crisis, Intervention and Security: Towards evidence-based programming. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis group).
PhD PROJECTS (current & completed)
Heyse is and was involved as daily supervisor and later promotor in a number of PhD projects.
Current PhD projects
Sayoni Santara: Governance Traps and Cooperation Decay in Organizations (SCOOP project - Promotores: Rafael Wittek, Lisa Herzog & Liesbet Heyse)
Elne Heikamp: The impact of volunteer initiatives for informal language learning on the integration of migrant newcomers (SCOOP project - Promotores: Sabine Otten, Nina Hansen & Liesbet Heyse)
Vacancy: Roots and routes to migrants’ economic participation in the Netherlands: the constraining and facilitating impact of home and host society contexts (1970-2021) (SCOOP project - Promotores: Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk & Liesbet Heyse; co-promotor: Katharine Frederick)
Julian Rengers: Informal Social Networks and Organizational Inclusion: The Invisible Minority’s Dilemma (SCOOP project - Promotores: Rafael Wittek, Sabine Otten & Liesbet Heyse)
Aliona Ignatieva: Cross-border network governance for sustainable training in health care (SCOOP project - Promotores: Rafael Wittek & Liesbet Heyse, co-promotor: Jelly Zuidersma)
Anne Kuschel: Sustainable Labor Market Integration of First Generation Migrant Groups: The Quest for the ‘Migrant-Organization Fit’ (SCOOP project - Promotores: Rafael Wittek, Nina Hansen & Liesbet Heyse)
Louisa Firnenburg: Urban Collective Living Arrangements – Golden Key to Sustainable Communities? (SCOOP project - Promotores: Rafael Wittek & Liesbet Heyse)
Finalized PhD projects
Suwatin Miharti: The Role of Public Health Centers in Improving Primary Care Performance in Indonesia (Promotor: Rafael Wittek and Ron Holzacker, dissertation defense 6 December 2018)
Mala Silitonga: Ethical Leadership Behavior in the Indonesian Public Sector: The Impact of Formal Control and Informal Networks (Promotor: Rafael Wittek, dissertation defense: 8 February 2018)
Tatang Muttaqin: The Education Divide in Indonesia (Promotor: Rafael Wittek, dissertation defense: 27 March 2017)
Miranda Visser: Loyalty in Humanity. Turnover among Expatriate Humanitarian Aid Workers (Promotores: Rafael Wittek & Melinda Mills, dissertation defense: April 2015)
Fernando Nieto Morales: Must Everything Change for Everything to Remain the Same? Change and Control in Public Organizations (Promotor: Rafael Wittek, dissertation defense: February 2015)
Valeska Korff: Between Cause and Control: Management in a Humanitarian Organization (Promotores: Rafael Wittek & Melinda Mills, dissertation defense: November 2012)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 22 maart 2023 20:12 |