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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. L.D. (Dorothee) Jelsma


Anticipatory postural adjustment deficits in children with developmental coordination disorder during a self-induced prehension task while standing on one leg

Improved attentional abilities after playing five weeks of active video games in children with and without developmental coordination disorder

Reliability and validity of the modified shuttle test-paeds to measure cardiorespiratory fitness in children

Short- and Long-Term Changes in Balance After Active Video Game Training in Children With and Without Developmental Coordination Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Task-specificity and transfer of skills in school-aged children with and without developmental coordination disorder

Type of active video-games training does not impact the effect on balance and agility in children with and without developmental coordination disorder: A randomized comparator-controlled trial

Active Video Games Performance and Heart Rate on the Wii or Kinect in Children with and without Developmental Coordination Disorder

Do we drop the ball when we measure ball skills using standardized motor performance tests?

Effectiveness and feasibility of We12BFit!: improving physical fitness and lifestyle physical activity in children with developmental coordination disorder in a paediatric rehabilitation setting-a small sample field study

Effect of dual tasking on a dynamic balance task in children with and without DCD
