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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons L.A. (Lukas) Linsi, PhD

Research interests

My research examines multinational firms as sites of contestation and lenses through which to study broader trends in international political economy (IPE). My work takes theoretical inspiration from the critical tradition of political economic analysis, but is primarily empirically driven. I have an interest in how economic processes are being (mis)measured and I seek to leverage fine-grained firm-level data to better understand the micro-foundations of macro-level trends. So far, I have pursued this line of research in three complementary directions: the analysis of how longer-term transformations in the structural organization of multinational firms have reshaped imaginaries of state-business relations and resulting regulatory regimes; the transnational politics of executive remuneration as a systemic driver of the upwards redistribution of economic rents widening societal inequalities; and the failure of official statistics collected at the level of nation-states to capture increasingly trans-national economic processes.

Youtube video (click on picture): New Young Academy Groningen member 2020 - Lukas Linsi, Faculty of Arts, International Relations.
Duration: 1 minute


Globalization and the growing defects of international economic statistics

Many shades of wrong: what governments do when they manipulate statistics

The discourse of competitiveness and the dis-embedding of the national economy

Exporting inequality: US investors and the Americanization of executive pay in the United Kingdom

The Global Political Economy of COVID-19

The national accounting paradox: How statistical norms corrode international economic data

When do Heuristics Matter in Global Capital Markets?: The Case of the BRIC Acronym

Speeding Up “Slowbalization”: The Political Economy of Global Production before and after COVID-19

How the beast became a beauty: the social construction of the economic meaning of foreign direct investment inflows in advanced economies, 1960-2007

COVID-19 and the Global Political Economy: Same as it Never Was?


Did the BRIC-Hype in the mid-2000s Distort Global Capital Flows?

US investors drive growing top income inequality in Britain

Trump uses bad trade statistics. But there's a bigger problem.

Oligarchen im Banne des Rohstoff-Nationalismus

How the YAG gives young academics a voice

Is globalization really dying?

Global Trade and Interdependence among Nations

Is the US-China trade war spoiling international trade statistics?

Woekerwinsten voor CEO’s wetenschappelijke uitgevers

Topinkomens grootste Nederlandse bedrijven fors gestegen ondanks coronacrisis