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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J.C. (Koos) Winnips


IguideME: Supporting Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement with Personalized Peer-Comparison Feedback in Higher Education

A platform for the influencers: spreading educational innovations via a professional learning network

Students’ experiences with the use of a social annotation tool to improve learning in flipped classrooms

Flipped-Class Pedagogy Enhances Student Metacognition and Collaborative-Learning Strategies in Higher Education But Effect Does Not Persist

Exploring the relationship between factors that contribute to interactive engagement and academic performance

The impact of interactive engagement methods on students' academic achievement

Using clickers to facilitate interactive engagement activities in a lecture room for improved performance by students

Reaction Lecture: Text Messaging to Increase Student Engagement in Large-Scale Lectures


Technology Enhanced Learning (project)

Educational innovation

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