K.M.J. (Karène) Sanchez-Summerer, Prof
Hoogleraar Midden-Oosten Studies

karene.sanchez rug.nl
Jan. 2024- Jan. 2029: co-PI (S2) ANR Project, 'Grammars of Preaching: lexis, mapping, staging (Middle East, 19th-21st centuries)' (IREMAM, IFPO, EFR)
Dec. 2017- Dec. 2022: PI VIDI project, NWO (Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research), ‘European cultural diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine. A connected history during the formative years of the Middle East (1918-1948)’
2020-2022: co-PI CollEX-Persée (Digital Humanities), Archives of French as a Foreign Language CLIODIFLE 1919-1985 (consortium between the universities of Paris 3 Sorbonne, Kings’ College London, Tours, Rouen, Athens Capodistrian University, Leiden University, Università del Sacro Cuore Milan, University of Geneva SIHFLES and FIPF)
2018-2019: PI NWO Stichting Van Moorsel en Rijnierse project, ‘Between the Holy Land and the World. A connected history of Christian communities in the Near East via the unpublished Franciscan and Dominican photographic collections (1900-1948)’ (in association with IFPO, EFR Rome, Archivists without borders and ArchiLogica)
2015-2018: PI NWO Internationalization in the Humanities project, ‘Engaging Europe in the Arab World: European missionaries and humanitarianism in the Middle East (1850-1970)’ (in cooperation with IEG Mainz Leibniz Institute of European History and IISMM Paris Institute for the Studies of Islam et Muslim Societies)
2017-2021: Co-PI international project MisSMO ‘Christian missions and societies in the Middle East: organizations, identities, heritagization; 19th-20Ith centuries’ (consortium between Leiden University, EFR Rome Ecole française, IFEA Istanbul Institut français d’Etudes anatoliennes, IFAO Cairo Institut français d’archéologie orientale, IFPO Amman Institut français du Proche-Orient, FSCIRE Bologna Fondazione per le Science Religiose Giovanni XXIII)
2012-2017: NWO Open Competition project ‘Arabic and its alternatives. Religion and Language Change in the Formative Years of the Modern Middle East (1920-1950)’ (with Prof. dr. H. Murre-van den Berg)
2008-2011: Participant in the ANR (Agence Nationale pour la Recherche) International project ‘Archiver: les pratiques historiographiques dans le Moyen-Orient contemporain. Faiseurs d’histoire, faiseurs d’archives’ (LAU-IIAC, UMR 8177, CNRS-EHESS-Culture)
Grants (selection)
Public Engagement Seed, RUG, 2025 'Holland in the Holy Land, the Holy Land in Holland'
Public Engagement Seed, RUG, 2023-24, 'A Dutch Lawrence of Arabia? Netherlands, Arabs, Jews, and the Holy Land (1918-1924)'
Aspasia Grant, NWO, 2018-2022
Scholar in Residence at EFR (Ecole française de Rome); Senior Researcher fellowship, April-July 2019
Invited Scholar IREMAM, spring 2022 (Institut de Recherches et Etudes sur les Mondes Arabe et Musulman), Aix Marseille University, ‘Grammars of Preaching: Model, Mapping, Materiality (Levant/Middle East; 19th-21st centuries)’
Research Fellow/ Associate at the IFPO (Institut Français du Proche Orient) Jerusalem/ Beyrouth (2018-2022)
LUCIS (Leiden University Centre for Islamic Studies), Visiting Fellow Grant for Prof. dr. IM Okkenhaug (Volda University College, co PI 'Global Moments in the Middle East' May 2016)
Fellowship ‘Senior Researcher’, IEG (Leibniz Institute of European History), Universität Mainz (February 2015)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 16 januari 2025 08:37 |