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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K. (Karin) Veldman


Mentale gezondheid jongvolwassenen

Once in NEET, always in NEET?: Childhood and adolescent risk factors for different NEET patterns

Young adults' work-family life courses and mental health trajectories from adolescence to young adulthood: a TRAILS study

A Life Course Perspective on Work and Mental Health: The Working Lives of Young Adults

Single and cumulative exposure to psychosocial work conditions and mental health among young adults

The role of low educational attainment on the pathway from adolescent internalizing and externalizing problems to early adult labour market disconnection in the Dutch TRAILS cohort

How does social support shape the association between depressive symptoms and labour market participation: a four-way decomposition

The timing and duration of depressive symptoms from adolescence to young adulthood and young adults' NEET status: the role of educational attainment

Work-family trajectories and health: A systematic review

Work-family trajectories in young adulthood: Associations with mental health problems in adolescence


Databiobank TRAILS: Je levensloop opgeslagen in een databank

TRAILS - Your life course in a database