K. (Katja) Taxis, Prof

Current research projects
Happy Patient project (2021-2024) funded by the European Commission; workpackage on the role of the community pharmacist in prudent use of antibiotics. The project is part of the PhD of Maarten Lambert: https://www.rug.nl/staff/m.lambert/
For more information the project see www.happypatient.eu
Patient Centered Communication in Community Pharmacy (PC3P project), funded by EIT Health (2021) in collaboration with Nivel, led by University of Copenhagen. Part of the PhD project on Drug related problems in community pharmacy. Ellen van Loon.
Pharmaceutical Care for hypertension patients in Lithuania. PhD project of Indrė Trečiokienė.
Developing the role of the pharmacist to care for patients with diabetes in Indonesia. PhD project of Indriastuti Cahyaningsih
Data science in pharmacy; PhD project of Amal Asiri.
Co-deprescribe project, in collaboration with Prof Petra Denig, UMCG. funded by ZonMW. see: https://www.discardt.nl/ PhD project of Peter Stuijt.
Current teaching projects:
International circle of Pharmacy Game users: https://pharmacygame.education/
Development of a teaching module: Pharmacists reduce medicine wastage in water. Onderwijsmodule: Apothekers minderen medicijnresten (AMM) (2022-23). Funded by SNN.
Recently completed projects:
Discardt project, PhD project of Stijn Crutzen; funded by the KNMP
The impact of of cumulative exposure to anticholinergic and sedating medication on frail older individuals: research about the Drug Burden Index (DBI), (2016-17), Stoffels-Hornstra Foundation. 99 000 Euro.
Discontinuing inappropriate medication in nursing home residents (DIM-NHR study), (2013-16) ZonMw projectnumber 80-83600-98-10176. 353,122 Euro. http://www.zonmw.nl/nl/projecten/project-detail/discontinuing-inappropriate-medication-in-nursing-home-residents-dim-nhr-study/samenvatting/
The drug burden index, a selection tool. Funded by the Dutch Royal Pharmaceutical Society (KNMP); 95,000 Euro. (2014-2015). This was part of the PhD project of Heleen van der Meer: http://www.rug.nl/staff/h.g.van.der.meer/
Completed PhD thesis:
Fajri Gafar. November 2022. Optimization of tuberculosis treatment in children and adolescents: epidemiological and pharmacological approaches
Marle Gemmeke. May 2022. The role of the community pharmacist in fall prevention. University of Utrecht. https://www.publicatie-online.nl/files/9016/4986/2464/157490-Marle-Gemmeke_PDF.pdf
Alma Mulac. April 2022. University of Oslo. Medication errors in hospitals. Exploring medication safety through incident reports and observation of practice.
Stijn Crutzen. November 2021. University of Groningen. Targeted and Tailored Pharmacist-led Medication Reviews: Addressing deprescribing and hypoglycaemia in older people and people with type 2 diabetes.
Inge van Berlo- van de Laar. November 2021. University of Groningen. The clinical pharmacist improves pharmacotherapy in hospital patients: Medication reviews - Metformin toxicity - Binding interactions
Elfriede Sianturi. February 2020. University of Groningen. Exploring strategies to optimize pharmacotherapy with antiretrovirals in Papuans living with HIV
Linda van Eikenhorst. September 2020. University of Groningen. Medication management in patients with diabetes: Exploring the role of the pharmacist.
Sylvi Irawati. October 2020. University of Groningen. Challenges in the use of preventive cardiovascular medications in Indonesia and the Netherlands
Karin Larmené-Beld. November 2020. University of Groningen. Ready to administer parenteral medication produced by the hospital pharmacy: cost, labeling and quality
Heleen van der Meer. March 2019. University of Groningen. Deprescribing in older people: development and evaluation of complex healthcare interventions
Rianne Weersink. November 2019. University of Groningen. Medication safety in patients with cirrhosis
Leàn Rolfes. March 2018. University of Groningen. Patient participation in pharmacovigilance
Thao Nguyen. March 2018. University of Groningen. Medication use for acute coronary syndrome in Vietnam
Willem van der Veen. December 2018. University of Groningen. Information technology and medication safety.
Derbew Fikadu Berhe. December 2017. University of Groningen. Challenges in using cardiovascular medications in Sub-Saharan Africa
Huong Thao Nguyen. November 2014. University of Groningen. Medication safety in Vietnamese hospitals: A focus on medication errors and safety culture
Irene Lako. March 2013. University of Groningen. Depressive symptoms in patients with schizophrenia: count symptoms that count
Susanne Schorr. January 2010. University of Groningen. Drug safety in patients with psychotic disorders.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 18 november 2022 17:18 |