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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K. (Ksenia) Robbe, Dr


‘C’mon, turn Swan Lake on': Memories of the 1990s at the Belarusian protests of 2020

‘Every entry should be the last’: archiving the war and producing implicated publics in Yevgenia Belorusets’ A wartime diary (2022)

Feminist Writing/Reading in Contemporary Russia: Creating Counterpublics Through Languages of Sociality and Care

Formations of Feminist Strike: Connecting Diverse Practices, Contexts, and Geographies

Formations of Feminist Strike

Introduction. Remembering Transitions: Approaching Memories in/of Crisis

“It Felt Like a Strike Was in the Air at the Beginning of the Invasion.” A Conversation with Sasha Talaver

Remembering Transition in Contemporary South African and Russian Literatures: Between Melancholia and Repair

Remembering Transitions: Local Revisions and Global Crossings in Culture and Media

The moral right to economic crime: Remembering the Russian 1990s in a tragic mode in Aleksey Ivanov's Nasty Weather (Nenast'ye)


Discussion of the film 'Strike a Rock' within the Footnotes public talks series at Zuid-Afrikahuis

‘I hope scholars from Russia and Ukraine will stand together’

Discussion of the Russian translation of Marianne Hirsch's Generation of Postmemory at the Sakharov Centre, Moscow

1991 in Russia and South Africa: Intersections, Yeltsin Centre

Memory, Fiction, Nonfiction. A conversation with Katja Petrowskaja and Maria Stepanova

Covid-19 and the Crisis of 'Privatized' Care