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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.M. Tych, PhD


Impact of Ligand-Induced Oligomer Dissociation on Enzyme Diffusion, Directly Observed at the Single-Molecule Level

Blobs form during the single-file transport of proteins across nanopores

Exerting pulling forces in fluids by directional disassembly of microcrystalline fibres

Probing the stability and interdomain interactions in the ABC transporter OpuA using single-molecule optical tweezers

The application of single-molecule optical tweezers to study disease-related structural dynamics in RNA

The known unknowns of the Hsp90 chaperone

Unravelled proteins form blobs during translocation across nanopores

Aha1 regulates Hsp90's conformation and function in a stoichiometry-dependent way

Controlling Amyloid Fibril Properties Via Ionic Liquids: The Representative Case of Ethylammonium Nitrate and Tetramethylguanidinium Acetate on the Amyloidogenesis of Lysozyme

Perspective: A stirring role for metabolism in cells


Techniek single-molecule niche in Zwaartekrachtonderzoek

Single-molecule engineering niche in Gravitation research

Twee Open Competitie ENW-M-subsidies voor FSE-onderzoekers

Two Open Competition Science-M grants for FSE researchers

Achttien vernieuwende onderzoeksprojecten van start via Open Competitie ENW-M

Eighteen innovative research projects launched through Open Competition Domain Science-M programme

Nine Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowships awarded at FSE

10 Marie Skłodowska-Curie individual fellowships for the University of Groningen

Top of the range C-trap optical tweezers setup installed