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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.J. (Koen) van Benthem, PhD

Research interests

Multiscale eco-evolutionary processes

Eco-evolutionary processes frequently involve multiple spatial scales simultaneously. One can for example imagine chick survival to be dependent on both the local density (the number of siblings in the same nest), as well as the regional density (the number of nests in the area). I am generally interested in the interplay between ecological and evolutionary processes that occur over multiple scale simultaneously. Currently I have focused mainly on theoretical exploration on these topics, but I am shifting towards more empirical systems, describing for example partial migration in Arctic charr, and density patterns in fur seal.


Recovering individual-level process from population level data

Can we use information on the population level to reconstruct what is happening on an individual level? For example, if we know how average body size changes over time, can we infer how body size might be affecting individual life histories?




Island biogeography of the megadiverse plant family Asteraceae

Multi-scale effects of habitat loss and the role of trait evolution

How individualized niches arise: Defining mechanisms of niche construction, niche choice, and niche conformance

Shifts between cooperation and antagonism driven by individual variation: A systematic synthesis review

Waiting for love but not forever: Modeling the evolution of waiting time to selfing in hermaphrodites

Density dependence on multiple spatial scales maintains spatial variation in both abundance and traits

A low cost approach to estimate demographic rates using inverse modeling

Density feedbacks mediate effects of environmental change on population dynamics of a semidesert rodent

Are generic early-warning signals reliable indicators of population collapse in rotifers?

Disentangling evolutionary, plastic and demographic processes underlying trait dynamics: A review of four frameworks


Afgezonderde madeliefjes: de verbazingwekkende biodiversiteit van Asteraceae op oceanische eilanden