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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.J. (Kira) Tiedge, PhD

Research interests

Improving Crop Stress Tolerance via (Terpenoid) Specialized Metabolism

The research of our group focuses on specialized metabolism in plants and the many ways we can utilize those metabolites. Currently we investigate the mechanisms that govern environmental stress tolerance in different crops by integrating functional genomics, metabolomics, as well as protein biochemical and genetic approaches with a focus on terpene metabolic networks. Additional interests of ours are the interactions of plants with their environment and the advancement of regenerative farming.


Characterization of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) PvKSL1 as a levopimaradiene/abietadiene-type diterpene synthase

Thriving in a salty future: morpho-anatomical, physiological and molecular adaptations to salt stress in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and other crops

Untangling the rhizosphere specialized metabolome

Comparative transcriptomics and metabolomics reveal specialized metabolite drought stress responses in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)

Foxtail mosaic virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)

Piece by piece: Making plant natural products accessible via heterologous biosynthesis

Cytochrome P450-catalyzed biosynthesis of furanoditerpenoids in the bioenergy crop switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.)

Furanoditerpenoid biosynthesis in the bioenergy crop switchgrass is catalyzed by an alternate metabolic pathway

Genomics-enabled analysis of specialized metabolism in bioenergy crops: Current progress and challenges

What do nectarivorous bats like?: Nectar composition in Bromeliaceae with special emphasis on bat-pollinated species


2024年第五届植物代谢国际会议 第一轮通知

Onderzoek naar stoffen die planten weerbaarder maken tegen verzilting

Two Open Competition Science-M grants for FSE researchers

Waddenfonds steekt ruim € 2 miljoen in vier Groninger projecten