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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.J. (Kasper) Meijer, MSc


Hotspots in peril: Misalignment of conservation efforts and ecological values in a shallow coastal sea

Mutual facilitation between foundation species Mytilus edulis and Lanice conchilega promotes habitat heterogeneity on tidal flats

Reintroduction of self-facilitating feedbacks could advance subtidal eelgrass (Zostera marina) restoration in the Dutch Wadden Sea

Restored intertidal eelgrass (Z. marina) supports benthic communities taxonomically and functionally similar to natural seagrasses in the Wadden Sea

Characterizing bedforms in shallow seas as an integrative predictor of seafloor stability and the occurrence of macrozoobenthic species

Growth and population structure of bloody cockles Senilia senilis at Banc d’Arguin and Bijagós with different environmental conditions and harvesting regimes

The seafloor from a trait perspective: A comprehensive life history dataset of soft sediment macrozoobenthos

Comparing taxonomic and functional trait diversity in marine macrozoobenthos along sediment texture gradients

Mangrove-mudflat connectivity shapes benthic communities in a tropical intertidal system


Betere bescherming van de Waddenzee

Onderzoek toont tekortkomingen in bescherming onderwaternatuur Waddenzee

Database met functionele soortkenmerken online


Unilever Research Prizes 2020 event takes place