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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ir. K.J. (Ineke) Ganzeveld

dr. ir. K.J. (Ineke) Ganzeveld

Programmaleider Circulaire Plastics Greenwise Campus
Profielfoto van dr. ir. K.J. (Ineke) Ganzeveld


A kinetic investigation of polyurethane polymerization for reactive extrusion purposes

Reactive NO absorption in aqueous FeII(EDTA) solutions in the presence of denitrifying micro-organisms

The reactive extrusion of thermoplastic polyurethane and the effect of the depolymerization reaction

Kinetics of the reaction of Fe-II(EDTA) with oxygen in aqueous solutions

A rheokinetic study of bulk free radical polymerization performed with a helical barrel rheometer

Exploratory studies on the carboxymethylation of cassava starch in water-miscible organic media

NO removal from flue gases: the kinetics of the oxidation of Fe2+ (EDTA) under typical BiodeNOx conditions

Rheo-kinetic measurement of thermoplastic polyurethane polymerization in a measurement kneader

Experimental Studies on the Carboxymethylation of Arrowroot Starch in Isopropanol-Water Media

Rheokinetics and its industrial applications