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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.S. (Klaus) Hubacek, Prof

K.S. (Klaus) Hubacek, Prof



Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Ph.D. in Ecological Economics 

Dec. 2000

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

M.Sc. in Economics 

Dec. 1998

University of Economics and Business, Vienna, Austria

B.A. in Business Administration (Magister) 

Jun.  1991


2020-present  Visiting Professor, Geographical Sciences, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

2019-present  Chair of the Board of the Energy Sustainability Research Institute (ESRIG), University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands

2018-present  Chair of Integrated Research on Energy, Environment and Society (IREES), University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands

2018-present  Professor, University of Groningen, Groningen, the Netherlands

2011-2018       Professor, Geography, University of Maryland, College Park, USA

2015-2016       Visiting Professor, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

2014-2017       Visiting Professor, China Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

2010-2013       Senior Research Fellow, Department for Land Economy, University of Cambridge, UK

2006-2010       Reader (Associate Professor) in Sustainable Development, School of Earth and Environment, University of Leeds, UK

2002-2006       Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the School for the Environment, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

1999-present  Affiliated Research Scholar at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria

2006-present  Member of the scientific organizing committee, International Input-Output Conference

2004-2019       Council member, International Input-Output Association (IIOA)

2004-present  Member of the scientific advisory board, International Conferences on Eco-balance

2002                Visiting scholar, Institute of Social Ecology, Alpen Adria University Klagenfurt, Austria.

2001                Visiting assistant professor, Western Maryland College (now McDaniel), Westminster, USA.

Publication Statistics (-March 2021)

Articles in peer reviewed journals


Book chapters in edited volumes




i-10 index


Books, special issues and proceedings edited


H-index Google Scholar


Papers in PNAS, Nature, Nature Climate Change, Nature Sustainability, and Nature Communications, Science Advances


Citations in Google Scholar




Recent Contracts and Grants

2017-2019       National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA): Linking Rural Decision-Makers with Local Churches to Build Coastal Resilience to a Changing Climate.  NOAA, Coastal and Ocean Climate Adaptations.  Award number NA17OAR4310248. Co-PI. Total Funding: $300,000.  Award Period:   09/01/2017-08/31/2019.

2017-2020       NASA: Integrating remote sensing observations with NASA’s GEOS-5 modeling framework in support of retrospective analyses and seasonal prediction of biosphere-atmosphere CO2 flux. Co-investigator. Award period: 08/02/2017-08/01/2020. Total Funding: 599,924                

2017-2020       NASA: Agricultural Land Use Change in Central and Northeast Thailand: Effects on Biomass Emissions, Soil Quality and Rural Livelihoods. Co-investigator. Total Funding: $675,000.

2017-2021       Department for International Development (DFID, UK): Modeling Early Risk Indicators to Identify Malnutrition (MERIAM). (co-PI): $4,000,000.

2017-2020       NASA: Understanding Large-Scale Land Acquisitions and their Land Change Dimensions: Socio-Environmental Synthesis of the Global ‘Rush’ for Land. Program: NASA Roses.  (co-PI): $747,414.

2017-2019       China Scholarship Council (CSC), International Clean Energy Talent Program (iCET).

2016-2020       EU-Horizon2020, “Guiding European Policy toward a low-carbon economy. Modelling Energy System Development under Environmental and Socioeconomic constraints”. (co-PI). H2020-LCE-2015-2/691287. $4,330,000.


Laatst gewijzigd:30 november 2022 12:17