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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. K.H.K.J. (Klaus) Jungmann

prof. dr. K.H.K.J. (Klaus) Jungmann

Hoogleraar experimentele fysica
Profielfoto van prof. dr. K.H.K.J. (Klaus) Jungmann
050 36 33553 (office)
050 36 33544 (Secretary VSI Laboratories, Zernikelaan 25, Groningen 9747 AA Netherlands)
050 36 34950 (Secretary VSI Nijenborgh 4)
Postal address:
@ (Zernikelaan 25, Groningen 9747 AA Netherlands)


Influence of source parameters on the longitudinal phase-space distribution of a pulsed cryogenic beam of barium fluoride molecules

Manipulating a beam of barium fluoride molecules using an electrostatic hexapole

Spin-precession method for sensitive electric dipole moment searches

Novel spin-precession method for sensitive EDM searches

Characterization of a continuous muon source for the Muon-Induced X-ray Emission (MIXE) Technique

Characterization of a Continuous Muon Source for the Non-Destructive and Depth-Selective Elemental Composition Analysis by Muon Induced X-and Gamma-rays

eEDM sensitive searches with BaF molecules

A supersonic laser ablation beam source with narrow velocity spreads

Deceleration and Trapping of SrF Molecules

Fundamental physics with cold radioactive atoms


Muons’ big moment could fuel new physics

Muon g-2 magnet successfully cooled down and powered up

Preparing for their magnetic moment

Fermilab brings super magnet to life after 10 years

Behold the moving magnet -- scientists taking giant device on 3,200-mile trip

Surfnet researchers measure temperature effect on fibre

Grondtemperatuur van invloed op glasvezel

Grondtemperatuur beïnvloedt nauwkeurigheid netwerktijd

Muon g-2 storage ring starts a new life