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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. K. (Kirstin) Greaves-Lord


Adapting the Tackling Teenage Training Sex Education Program for Autistic Adults in the US: A Pilot Study

How Well Can we Diagnose Autism in Adults? Evaluating an Informant-based Interview: The Dutch Developmental, Dimensional and Diagnostic Interview – Adult Version (3Di-Adult)

Parent Training for Disruptive Behaviors in Referred Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Protocol of a randomized controlled trial into guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia in autistic adults (i-Sleep Autism)

Psychometric Properties of Psychosexual Functioning Survey Among Autistic and Non-autistic Adults: Adapting the Self-Report Teen Transition Inventory to the U.S. Context

Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Contextual Assessment of Social Skills (CASS): An Independent Observational Outcome Measure of Social Skills in Autistic Adolescents

Associations between autism traits and family functioning over time in autistic and non-autistic children

Clinical stance on response initiation in autistic adults: co-creating an integrative approach based on theory and lived experiences to act from language, via motor movement to wellbeing

Complementing or Congruent? Desired Characteristics in a Friend and Romantic Partner in Autistic versus Typically Developing Male Adolescents

Identiteitsontwikkeling bij autisme


Vastlopen: hoe komt dat en wat kun je doen?

Theater en kunst als motor voor ontwikkeling

Jezelf (niet) kunnen zijn

Kort zorgnieuws: VR sponsorloop; E-Mental Health; Nieuwe keuzehulpen, en meer


Wij coachen de coaches

Gedrag onder een vergrootglas

Wat te doen met door de lockdown verwaterde vriendschappen?