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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.E.E. (Karin) Olsen, Dr


Controlling the Uncontrollable: Estrangement and Appropriation in the First Riddle of the Exeter Book

Traversing the Inner Seas: Contacts and Continuity in and around Scotland, the Hebrides, and the North of Ireland

Warriors and Their Battle Gear: Conceptual Blending in Riddles 5 and 20 of the Exeter Book

Canonising Just and Militant Kingship: St Oswald in Bede's 'Historia ecclesiastica' and Aelfric's 'Natale Sancti Oswaldi regis et martyris'

Conceptualizing the Enemy in Early Northwest Europe: Metaphors of Conflict and Alterity in Anglo-Saxon, Old Norse, and Early Irish Poetry

Earthworms, Fire Serpents, and the Visual Imagination in the Old English 'Soul and Body'

Airy Nothings: The World of Faerie from the Middle Ages to the Age of Reason

Female Voices from the Otherworld: The Role of Women in the Early Irish 'Echtrai'


Review of: Leslie Sconduto, Metamorphoses of the Werewolf: A Literary Study from Antiquity Through the Renaissance

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