K.A. (Karel) Brookhuis

Curriculum Vitae Karel Brookhuis
Karel completed his study in Psychology at the Universiry of Groningen (Rijks Universiteit Groningen), specializing in experimental psychology, in 1980. Then he started as a research fellow (ZWO PhD student) at the Institute for Experimental Psychology with a specialization in psycho-physiology. From 1983 on he was a senior researcher at the Traffic Research Centre which later merged into the Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology, at the RijksuniversiteitGroningen. In 1986 he became head of the department of “Task performance and Cognition”. Since 1994 he was additionally appointed the Research Manager of the Institute, responsible for the Centre’s research planning en quality control. After the Centre was closed at 1 January 2000, he became part-time associate professor, later full professor at the department of Experimental and Work Psychology of the RU Groningen and part-time full professor at the Section of Transport Policy and Logistics of the TU Delft. Now he is honorary full professor in traffic psychology at the department of Neuropsychology of the RUGroningen.
Acquisition of grants and subsidies has been an integral part of his job since 1986. National and International Authorities (NWO, Ministries and European Commission) were among the subsidy providers, as well as companies in pharmaceutical and automotive industry.
During his scientific career he (co-)authored over 200 publications, from Book Chapters to Research Reports and International Scientific Journal Articles, some which were cited more than 200 times. He also organised and (co-) edited an International Handbook, and a large number of conference proceedings. Invitations for keynote addresses at conferences belong to the list of achievements as well.
Karel’s research interests are to study human factors in occupational settings, particularly traffic and transport, for instance with respect to driving behaviour in specific conditions. Research topics include effects of psycho-active substances on driving behaviour, measurement methods, psycho-physiological aspects of task performance, work-load in traffic, specifically under and with ITS applications. He participated/s in several large European projects focussing on design and evaluation of new telematics applications (ADAS) in traffic.
In chronological order:
1956-1963 Openbare Lagere School, Markelo
1963-1970 Gymnasium beta , Kottenpark College, Enschede
1972-1974 MilitaryService
1974-1980 Experimental Psychology, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
1980-1983 ZWO research fellow, Institute for Experimental Psychology
1983-1986 Senior Researcher, Traffic Research Centre
1986-1997 Section Coordinator Traffic Research Centre
1994-1997 Research Manager, Traffic Research Centre
1997- 2000 Research Manager, Centre for Environmental and Traffic Psychology
2000- 2007 Associate professor Experimental and Work Psychology (RUG)
2007- now.. Full professor Traffic Psychology (RUG)
2001- 2015 Full professor Transport, Policy and Logistics Organisation (TUD)
Management positions (selection)
· Secretary of the Europe Chapter of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
. Chairman of the Europe Chapter of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
. Treasurer of the Europe Chapter of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
· Member Editorial Board of Accident Analysis & Prevention.
· Program leader TRAIL Research school
· Co-ordinator of the European program DRIVE II (Advanced Transport Telematics) project DETER (Detection, Enforcement & Tutoring for Error Reduction, V2009).
· Technical Manager of European ATT (FP IV) project SAVE.
· Technical Manager of European ATT (FP V) project TravelGuide
· Technical Manager of two EU funded ATT (5th FP) projects, ADVISORS and TRAVEL-GUIDE
. Chairman of the annual National Conference VerkeersGedragDag
. Chairman of the NWO Program Committee Traffic & Transport
· Member of numerous National committees, a.o. NWO, SWOV, CROW, COB, NSWO, Universities, Municipality etc.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 04 april 2024 07:37 |