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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons K.A. (Kor) Brongers


Process evaluation of a comprehensive approach to reintegration of disability benefit recipients with multiple problems (CARm) into the labour market

Comprehensive approach to reintegration of disability benefit recipients with multiple problems (CARm) into the labour market: results of a randomized controlled trial

Prevalence, types, and combinations of multiple problems among recipients of work disability benefits

Prevalentie, soorten en combinaties van multiproblematiek bij mensen met een arbeidsongeschiktheidsuitkering

Development and evaluation of a strength-based method to promote employment of work-disability benefit recipients with multiple problems: a feasibility study

Feasibility of Family Group Conference to promote return-to-work of persons receiving work disability benefit

Eigen Kracht-methode: inzet sociaal netwerk van toegevoegde waarde bij re-integratie

Toepasbaarheid van de Eigen Kracht-methode bij re-integratie