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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J. (Jakob) de Haan


Does uncertainty matter for private credit convergence?

From Conflict to Counsel: The Interplay of Boardā€TMT Cognitive Conflict, TMT Tenure, and Board Tenure on Board Advice Giving

Investment accelerations

No Way Back? ECB’s Forward Guidance and Policy Normalisation

The association of high perceived inflation with trust in national politics and central banks

What drives trust in the financial sector supervisor? New empirical evidence for the Netherlands

Alternative measures for the global financial cycle: Do they make a difference?

Capital flow reversals and currency crises: Do capital flow types matter?

Central bank communication with the general public: Promise or false hope?

Central bank independence, income inequality and poverty: What do the data say?


Hoe reageren wisselkoersen op het nieuws?

Het dollarevangelie is niet automatisch een succesverhaal

Rusland wil westerse bedrijven nationaliseren: 'Ze pikken bedrijven in'

Nucleaire dreiging Poetin na harde sancties Westen

De euro: van bindmiddel tot splijtzwam

Debat staatsschuld luwde in tien jaar tijd